Connector For Xero And Smartsheet | SoftwareX
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Easily integrate Smartsheet into
Xero in less than 90 seconds

Boost Your Company's Financial Efficiency, Streamline Your Business Operations, and Increase Profitability

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Join the 100,000+ businesses using Smartsheet and Xero to increase their financial performance

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20+ Years of Integration


Smartsheet Gold Level Partner 


Connecting Smartsheet To Xero Can Help You Manage Your Finances in Real Time

Connect Your Project Management Data in Smartsheet To Your Financial Data In Xero

Improve Collaboration Between Your Operations Team And Finance Team

Better understand Your financial trends and patterns to identify new growth opportunities

Enhanced forecasting and budgeting capabilities

Reduced risk of errors and inaccuracies in financial data


Administrative Control

Administrative control provides greater visibility and control over users and their access to sensitive information within the Smartsheet platform. With administrative control, you can ensure that the right people have access to the right information while keeping sensitive data secure. This feature enables administrators to manage user permissions, control access to sensitive information, and configure security settings.

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Pre Template Workflows - No Custom Coding Needed!

Templates Workflow feature enables users to quickly create and customize sheets and reports to fit their unique business needs. This feature saves time and effort in creating and editing sheets and ensures consistency in the entire project management process. It helps users to standardize the templates, reduce manual work, and streamline the project management process.

Connect to Smartsheet Control Center so you can manage project finances within Smartsheet!

The Connects to Smartsheet's Control Center feature provides users with a foundational automation engine that drives all project management in Smartsheet. This feature allows users to set up and manage projects and portfolios from a central location, which helps them stay on top of deadlines, budgets, and other key project metrics. It also provides real-time visibility and insights into the project status, enabling users to make better decisions and take proactive actions.

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Automates Routine and Repetitive Tasks

Automation allows users to automate repetitive tasks and workflows, such as sending notifications, updating data, and generating reports. This feature helps users save time and effort, reduce manual errors, and streamline their project management process. It also ensures consistency and accuracy in the entire project management process, resulting in better decision-making and improved project outcomes.

Schedule Your Workflows To Work When You Want Them Too!

Imagine that you have a monthly financial report that needs to be completed on a specific day. With SoftwareX, you can set up a workflow to automate the data transfer between Smartsheet and your accounting software, ensuring that your financial data is always up-to-dateWith SoftwareX, you can automate your financial workflows based on specific dates or times, saving time and reducing the likelihood of errors in data entry and analysis.

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Customizable financial reports and dashboards

The SoftwareX Connector for Xero and Smartsheet automates routine and repetitive tasks, reducing manual data entry and improving accuracy. This saves time and increases productivity, enabling teams to focus on more value-added activities such as analyzing financial data and making informed decisions.

Advanced Workflow Logs

The SoftwareX Connector for Xero provides advanced workflow logs, which allow teams to track data changes and gain insights into the data transfer process. This enhances transparency and accountability, making it easier to identify and resolve issues.

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